How's That! 20 May 2015

Year 83 Issue 4

Clubblad Amsterdamse Sportvereniging VRA

How's That verschijnt tijdens het cricketseizoen wekelijks

Een paar huisregels op VRA

Het seizoen is al weer lekker op gang en op VRA is deze zomer bijna elke dag wel wat te doen. Al deze activiteiten bieden onze spelers, bezoekende teams en andere gasten veel plezier maar bezorgen ook dagelijks veel werk aan diegenen die het clubhuis en het complex op orde en netjes dienen te houden, zoals onze groundsmen, de Gemeente medewerkers, onze coaches, barpersoneel en vaste klusjesmannen. Daarom graag jullie aandacht voor een paar regels die nodig zijn om de boel op orde te houden en schade aan onze inventaris en machines te voorkomen zodat wij en onze gasten kunnen beschikken over een goed bruikbaar, opgeruimd complex en clubhuis.

1. Geen bags achterlaten in de kleedkamers
Onze kleedkamers worden vrijwel dagelijks door diverse teams gebruikt. Niet alleen de VRA teams en hun tegenstanders maar ook het Nederlands XI-tal, andere Bondselftallen en hun buitenlandse tegenstanders, deelnemers aan cricket clinics en andere sportactiviteiten. Ieder van hen mag erop rekenen bij aankomst op VRA een schone, lege kleedkamer aan te treffen. Helaas hebben sommigen er een gewoonte van gemaakt hun cricketbag ergens in een kleedkamer, de materiaalkamer of zelfs het kantoor te stallen. Dit kan dus echt niet om bovengenoemde redenen. Dit dient onmiddellijk te stoppen! Diegene die met goede reden meent zijn cricketbag op VRA te moeten laten, kan contact opnemen met Paul Polak. VRA beschikt over een opslagcontainer waar eventueel een bag tijdelijk kan worden opgeslagen.

2. Geen bags, schoenen of vuile was in het clubhuis laten slingeren
Voor de goede orde dus nog maar eens: de bestuurskamer is geen opslagruimte voor kleding, spelmateriaal of rommel. Het kantoor op de begane grond ook niet. De materiaalkamer ook niet. Waarom? Omdat de bestuurskamer er geen ruimte voor biedt en er te allen tijde representatief uit moet zien voor ontvangst van gasten en officials. Omdat het kantoor er geen ruimte voor biedt en er te allen tijde netjes uit moet zien omdat daar bestuursleden hun werk moeten kunnen doen, de D/L-manager van de KNCB daar moet kunnen werken en een dopingcontroleur ook. Omdat de materiaalkamer al overvol is en geen ruimte biedt voor opslag van prive bags.

3. Bags blijven beneden, geen bags in de kantine of op het terras!
Sommigen hebben de gewoonte hun bag mee naar boven te slepen als zij wat bij de bar willen gaan bestellen. Erg hinderlijk, niet doen! Ons terras en kantine bieden maar beperkt ruimte en iedereen breekt zijn nek erover.

4. Laat nooit spullen van waarde achter in de kleedkamers
Geld, horloges, sieraden, telefoons etc. altijd verzamelen en afgeven aan de teammanager of achter de bar. Daar is ook een sleutel te krijgen om tijdens de wedstrijd de kleedkamer af te sluiten. Behandel de sleutel op een normale manier. We worden een beetje gestoord van het aantal verbogen of afgebroken sleutels, dat is nergens voor nodig. Vergeet niet de kleedkamersleutel aan het eind van de dag terug te geven. Het gaat om speciale certificaatsleutels. Deze zijn erg kostbaar en lastig te vervangen! Hoe dan ook: laat geen waardevolle spullen achter in de kleedkamer ook al wordt deze afgesloten. Vorig jaar hebben we 2 diefstallen gehad toen een kleedkamer toch enkele minuten niet was afgesloten. VRA wijst elke aansprakelijkheid voor het zoekraken van eigendommen af!

5. Oefensquare niet betreden
De graswickets op de oefensquare worden wekelijks gebruikt, met name ook door KNCB elftallen. Het vereist veel werk en aandacht om elke week over goede oefenpitches te kunnen beschikken. Gebruikte pitches worden voortdurend bewerkt opdat ze zo snel mogelijk herstellen. Het oefenen en betreden van de oefen grassquare is alleen toegestaan na overleg met en toestemming van groundsman Paul Polak.

6. Golfkar – no joyriding!
Ja, het is erg leuk om op zo’n karretje over het veld te scheuren. Dat gaan we dus niet doen. De golfkar is een kostbaar apparaat en de afgelopen jaren al meerdere malen door diverse joyriders vernield, hetgeen ons veel geld, tijd en ergernis heeft gekost. Dus iedereen die daar niet een heel goede reden voor heeft blijft er vanaf! De golfkar is uitsluitend bestemd voor de groundsmen om snel lichte spullen te kunnen vervoeren en service aan de square te kunnen verlenen, dan wel andere taken te ondersteunen die met het complex te maken hebben, zoals het rijden naar de parkeerplaats om materialen of invaliden op te halen omdat het clubhuis per auto niet bereikbaar is. Zomaar voor de lol wat gaan rondrijden is onzinnig, soms zelfs gevaarlijk, en slecht voor de akku’s (die hebben een beperkte levensduur en kosten 1.500 euro).

7. Niet fietsen op het veld, fietsen in de stalling
Het is niet toegestaan op het veld te fietsen. De smalle banden beschadigen het veld. Plaats fietsen uitsluitend in de fietsenstalling achter het clubhuis, dus niet aan voorkant of zijkant van het clubhuis.

8. Doe alsof je thuis bent
Tot slot: als iedereen zich een beetje normaal gedraagt, scheelt dat onze onderhoudsploeg een berg onnodig werk en ergernis. Maak geen dingen stuk en gooi geen troep op de grond, daar zijn vuilnisbakken voor. Het toilet doortrekken doe je thuis toch ook? Als je niet zeker weet hoe iets werkt (het elektronisch scorebord, de geluidsinstallatie, het videoscherm, de computers en printers) ga dan op zoek naar iemand die het wel weet en laat het je voordoen. Kijk en leer!

Met medewerking van jullie allemaal, blijft het op VRA plezierig cricketen!

De Accomodatiecommissie

Fixture Friday 22th May

Zoals ieder jaar heeft VRA het genoegen om buitenlandse touring teams te ontvangen voor een fixture. Dit zijn altijd erg leuke wedstrijden om te spelen en kennen een grote sociale factor tijdens/na de wedstrijd.

De eerstvolgende fixture is komende vrijdag 22 mei 2015 tegen Oxford Hospitals CC. Vanaf 12:00 uur verzamelen en om 13:00 uur zal de wedstrijd aanvangen. Na de wedstrijd zal er voor een maaltijd gezorgd worden voor de liefhebber.

Mocht u mee willen doen aan deze fixture, dan verneem ik dat graag van u per e-mail op Tevens kunt u daarbij vermelden of u wenst deel te nemen aan de maaltijd na de wedstrijd.

Tobias Maessen

Programma deze week

Hieronder het complete programma van deze week. Raadpleeg voor de meest actuele agenda altijd de VRA-website. Aanvangstijden en veldtoewijzing bij thuiswedstrijden blijven onder voorbehoud. Op de speeldag zelf is Paul Polak als groundsman verantwoordelijk voor definitieve toewijzing.

DO 21/05 CTS NL (QV) - Philips, 18.00 (op Qui Vive)
VR 22/05 VRA - Oxford Hospitals CC, 13.00 (veld 1)
VR 22/05 Zamigo's - UCS Old Boys, 13.30 (veld 2)
ZA 23/05 VRA 1 - Dosti CC, 11.00 (veld 1)
ZA 23/05 Hermes DVS 1 - VRA Dames, 12.00 (away)
ZA 23/05 VRA ZAMI 1 - Beating Bats, 13.00 (veld tbd)
ZA 23/05 VRA ZAMI 2 - Ajax, 13.00 (veld tbd)
ZO 24/05 VRA U9 - ACC 1 U9, 9.00 (veld tbd)
ZO 24/05 VRA U12 - Kampong 2 U12, 9.00 (veld tbd)
ZO 24/05 Salland U16 - VRA U16 9.00 (away)
ZO 24/05 VRA 2 - Kampong 2, 12.00 (veld 1)
ZO 24/05 VRA 4 - Cowley Drifters, 12.00 (veld 2)
MA 25/05 VRA U12 - MOP U12, 9.00 (veld 1)
MA 25/05 HBS 1 - VRA 1, 11.00 (away)

Programma volgende week

Hieronder het complete programma van de volgende week. Raadpleeg voor de meest actuele agenda altijd de VRA-website. Aanvangstijden onder voorbehoud.

WO 27/05 VRA U12 - Buckswood School, 16.00
WO 27/05 EPO (VCC) - Philips, 18.00
WO 27/05 VRA - ACC, 18.00
ZA 30/05 VRA 1 - ACC 1, 11.00
ZA 30/05 Ajax 1 - VRA Dames, 12.00
ZA 30/05 VVV - VRA ZAMI 1, 13.00
ZA 30/05 Ajax - VRA ZAMI 2, 13.00
ZO 31/05 Rood & Wit U9 - VRA U9, 9.00
ZO 31/05 VRA U12 - Ajax U12, 9.00
ZO 31/05 VRA U16 - Rood & Wit U16, 9.00
ZO 31/05 Dosti 3 - VRA 2, 12.00
ZO 31/05 Qui Vive 4 - VRA 3, 13.00
ZO 31/05 Zeemacht 1 - VRA 4, 13.00

A disappointing week for VRA1

In plaats van eigen verslagen deze week een samenvatting van de verrichtingen van VRA's hoofdmacht in het afgelopen weekend, ongevraagd ontleend aan onze betrouwbare bron Cricket Europe, waarvoor zowel excuses als dank.

Thillers and upsets on bumper Topklasse weekend

Double surprise defeats for both Dosti-United and VRA threw the Topklasse wide open over the weekend, as VOC climbed to the top of the table...

... (ACC's win over Quick) would be the only win of the weekend for an Amsterdam club however, with VRA suffering two consecutive defeats to Schiedam sides, first away at Hermes and then home to Excelsior. VRA made good use of the 31 overs available at Harga on Saturday, over-aggressive running perhaps the only major failing in an innings that saw four run-outs as the visitors posted 211 all-out in exactly 31. Emile van der Burg's 41 from 37 and Eric Szwarczynski's 42 from 28 provided the bulk of the runs, with skipper Peter Borren chipping in 23 runs in half as many balls down the order. Davi van Slobbe did the most to arrest the momentum, dismissing Borren, Szwarczynski and Leon Turmaine in succession as each was looking in fine flow.

VRA could not match their opponents' efforts in the field however, and Hermes skipper Stephan Myburgh ensured the hosts kept ahead of the pace with a brisk 57 from the top of the order as Hermes raced to 89-1. Two quick wickets for Sohail Bhatti having both Myburgh and Stokkers caught by Borren, brought two new batsmen to the crease and could have turned the game. Indeed the match might have been won in the next over, when Borren found a way through Kruger van Wyk's defences to clip his off stump, only for the bail to remain in place. Seb Braat was not as lucky in Borren's next over, but van Wyk would go on to win the match for his side. Borren had to wait another 82 runs for his next wicket, trapping Bart Schilperoord LBW for 43, but by then the hosts were within sight of victory. Haro Seelaar was likewise trapped by Borren's next ball, but it was of no avail to VRA as van Wyk and Maninder Singh knocked off the remaining runs with 3 balls to spare.

Borren's side put in a better performance in the field the next day at home to Excelsior, restricting their guests to 187-8 from 50 overs, but went to pieces with the bat to lose by 60 runs. Quirijn Gunning was the pick of the bowlers, giving away just 29 runs from his 10 overs and unlucky to be rewarded with just two wickets. Excelsior captain Tom Heggelman was the first of them, third man out after a restrained innings of 35 from 85 balls. Only coach Alex Ross would best that total, an assured half-century doing much to shore up the Excelsior innings. Nonetheless runs were hard to come by, and despite a quick 15 from 8 from Rens van Troost at the death VRA will have been the happier side at lunch.

The satisfaction would not last long however, as Heggelman and van Troost went to work on the VRA top order. Mitch Lees was the first to go, pushing a Heggelman full toss into the hands of van Troost, before Peiris, Szwarczynski and Raja fell in quick succession to leave VRA at 37-4. Borren and coach BJ Barnett looked to rebuild, adding 39 for the 5th wicket to take them to 76-4. Two overs later the match was effectively done however, as four wickets fell for just one run. Lorenzo Ingram and Adam Woutersen claimed two apiece, and Quirijn Gunning fell victim to some poor calling 5 runs later to be run out by van Troost with VRA still more than 100 runs adrift. If the game by then was lost however, it seems nobody had told Sohail Bhatti. With only last man Amil Prasad - nursing a hand injury - for company, Bhatti put on 45 more runs for the final wicket. In a quixotic display of increasing aggression, Bhatti hit 5 boundaries in his 35, with Excelsior players just beginning to exchange nervous glances as the runs kept coming. With the asking rate at ten an over, however, a false shot was just a matter of time and Bhatti eventually holed out off van Troost with his side still 60 short of the total.

... VRA and Dosti United are both coming off double defeats, and Saturday's game at Amstelveen may simply be a measure of which side bounces back best. Dosti remain a hugely talented side on paper, but in the past a couple of poor results has seen the side turn on itself. Much will depend on skipper Colin Ackermann's ability to restore his team's self-belief and focus, as VRA certainly have the ability to capitalise on a Dosti in disarray.

Bertus de Jong
© Cricket Europe

Match Summary VRA 2 vs ACC 2, 17/07

1st Innings VRA to bat
On a brilliant sunny day VRA 2 had to play their 2nd game of the competition against ACC 2. This game was played on the ground of ACC in Amstelveen. The boys were on time and started a good warm up session leaded by Jeroen Mulder and Ewoud de Man. After winning the toss we decided to bat first and try to put a big score on the board.

Jeroen Mulder and Thomas Pasierowski opened the batting and gave a solid start. Jeroen Mulder was looking very strong and was timing the ball perfectly and hit some nice boundaries before getting bowled on a perfect length delivery, after making a quick and nice 14 runs. Babar Lasi came into the crease and tried to make another partnership with Thomas Pasierowski who was timing the ball perfect and hitting boundaries and rotating the strike. After a very nice shot by Babar Lasi he was struggling to get a single and was also dropped by the keeper. To release the pressure he went for a shot over the top but couldn’t make it good enough to hit it and was bowled by Hamdan Khan on 6 runs.

Matthew Klashovski joined Thomas Pasierowski and made a big partnership of 117 runs which gave our team a very steady position in the game. Thomas reached his fifty in nice style with a couple of fours and also a six included. ACC was struggling to get a breakthrough so they started change the bowlers all the time. We came into a stronger position by holding wickets in hands and keep making the runs on the board. Thomas Pasierowski started giving acceleration and reached 90 runs with 10 fours and 3 sixes. At the last couple of balls before and of powerplay he wanted to go over the top but couldn’t middle the ball and was caught at point. What a great inning it was to watch and of course for our team to have 159/3 after 24.4 overs.

Bilal Ahmed came to the crease and looked very solid and was rotating the strike very good with a couple of singles and doubles and also three runs. Matthew Klashovski was looking solid as always but was somewhere a bit of struggling middling the ball. He played a shot which went fast towards the fielder and went for a single run but a direct hit into the wickets was too sharp for him to get in the crease on time and he was run out. VRA was 167/4 after 31.3 overs. Hassan Alvi came to the crease and got a task from Ewoud de Man to do. He have to make a quick 20 runs in about 15 balls as we got a lot of batting to go after him and we were looking for a big score. That’s what he did he came in and just played some big shots around to reach his 22 runs in 11 balls before getting out by a catch just inside the boundary as he was going for the big pull shot towards midwicket.

A couple of balls later Bilal Ahmed was bowled by a short pitch ball which kept incredibly low. VRA were 204/5 after 35.2 overs. With only 4 overs left and 5 wickets in hands we were looking for that 250+ score. Our debut player David Pugh came in and played some amazing shots especially through covers. He was looking very solid and very confident for a debut player. He made a quick 17 runs in nice style and was run out at the end. Ewoud de Man and Ashish Thappa were standing at the crease for the last couple of overs. Ewoud de Man was very quick between the wickets like a 20 years old guy and was rotating the strike brilliantly. After also hitting a couple of boundaries Ewoud de Man made a quick 19 runs and VRA got a total of 246 runs. A great team effort and some very good performances made it possible to put a big score like this on board.

2nd Innings VRA to field

During our lunch Ewoud de Man gave a short speech and said that we want to kill this game and just think that the opponents only have to make 140 runs and that we have to defend that score. Because of some injuries of our opening bowlers Khan Waziri and Matthew Klashovski, Ewoud de Man decided to give the new ball to Hassan Alvi and Piotr Pasierowski. Hassan Alvi started to bowl and was looking sharp and good to take the early breakthrough we needed by a brilliant catch taken by Matthew Klashovski. ACC was immediately under pressure as they already have to score 6 runs per over.

At the other end Piotr Pasierowski was bowling with a slow-medium pace but perfect in line to disturb the batsmen and get them frustrated to take the singles or go for their shots. This is exactly what happened a couple of overs later when Hassan Alvi was bowling his 3rd over. Their no.3 batsman Hamdan Khan came in and played some shots couldn’t get a single anymore as the field placement was very tight and good settled by Ewoud de Man. Hamdan Khan was looking for that single and played a drive toward mid on where Ewoud de Man was standing and he was walking in perfectly and took the ball sharp in hands and a very good and accurate fast throw into the middle stump was our 2nd breakthrough in a short time and got their big man out!.

Hassan Alvi and Piotr Pasierowski kept bowling in the right areas and nice and tight. After some dott balls Hassan Alvi bowled a straight bowl into the stumps and got their 3rd wicket down with a LBW. After the early strikes and 2 wickets by Hassan Alvi we tried to put in a spinner so our debut man David Pugh bowled some really tight off spins with of course brilliant keeping by Matthew Klashovski. Ashish Thapa came in to bowl from the other end and striked in his 3rd over by bowling out Stephan Hannema. Ashish Thappa kept bowling really tight and put the pressure on the opposition as the required run rate was already nearby 9 per over ACC was really struggling to get the runs on the board. Ashish finished his awesome spell with 2 wickets in 6 overs and giving away only 17 runs. ACC were at 80/7 after 22 overs.

Hassan Alvi came back into attack to finish the job with only 3 overs left in his spell. He struck in his 2nd over of his 2nd spell with a wide bowl to the left hand batsman as he tried to play a drive but couldn’t get it on the right spot of his bat and what a brilliant catch by Ewoud de Man at mid off. Hassan Alvi finished his spell with 8 overs bowled 31 runs and 3 wickets. Jeroen Mulder came into the attack and finished the job by taking 2 wickets in just 3 overs giving just 9 runs away. It was a awesome day of cricket in which everything went in favor of us. Really skillful captaincy and perfect placement of the field. ACC were bowled out at 116 runs and VRA won by 130 runs.

Next week we are playing against Kampong 2 at home and will do our best again to perform and take our 3rd consecutive win in a row. Everybody but their efforts to win this game and especially Thomas Pasierowski deserved to be man of the match.

VRA II won by 130 runs
Batting: T.Pasierowski 90, M. Klashovski 35, H. Alvi 22
Bowling: H. Alvi 3-31-8, A. Thapa 2-17-6, J. Mulder 2-9-3

Hassan Alvi

VRA ladies go to Nijmegen - 16th of May

You know it’s going to be a good day when you get on your bike and cycle through the pouring rain to the meet up spot. Quick1888 is our destination, roadtrip time.
 The traveling time we use to catch up on muscle aches, the calendar activities and the weather conditions which seemed quite dreadful at the time.
 When we got to Nijmgen we first had a coffee and showed around the calendar ofcourse, haha... Due to the rain we started a bit later, which was perfect because our wicketkeeper had some difficulties with the navigation ;).
 We also had a guest, Charlie Booker, a photographer who traveled from Germany with his camera to capture images of the Amsterdam Ladies. Great fun to have him there.

Because of the conditions and our team of the day we were hoping on winning the toss to start batting. Captain Sally lost the toss, but was very surprised and happy to hear that the Quick1888 ladies wanted to field first. Huray. 
I was psyched to hear I had to pad up and open the innings with Git.
 Together we started with a drizzling, rainy innings filled with AWESOMENESS. -
The awesomeness is not only about my new bat, which is awesome, really awesome haha... Did I mention I’m happy with it...? I got it at Adeel’s place at Olympiaplein... (short commercial break).-

Although the pitch was slippery the opening bowlers did a very good job, we had time, so we looked for that lose ball and went for quick singles. Unfortunately Git left me because of a sneaky caught behind in the 5th over with a quick 13 runs. 
Maartje came in, together we would have a partnership of 132. Please note that there were only 3 boundaries in that total, it involved a lot of running and sliding around, it was awesome. It was amazing to bat with Maartje, she is on fire! -That girl is on fiiireeeee > Alicia Keys-.

She hit them perfectly through the gaps, when they put the fielders out to give her a single, we ran two and if they would put them closer we’d still managed to run a single and we also ran a lot of 3’s with the grass being so wet that it’d slow the ball down. We had a great partnership, so much fun and a great experience. The ball got very heavy by the rain, that’s why when I went for a big shot straight over the bowler it went straight into the bowlers hands... really, it had to do with the ball... that’s what I tell myself haha... I’m joking, I was out though. With a score of 41 runs, with my new bat and such a good time I went out with a big big smile and then quickly found my way to the scoring house cause it was COLD, where I figured out I only needed 9 more for 50. DAMN. 

Sjoukje went in and went IN, if you know what I’m saying. Together with supporting the amazing Maartje to a quick 100, she got a quick 32* from 34 balls. It was great to see her hitting it all over the place, such a good batsmen. Maartje pulled all the stops out and got to a personal record of 153*. This on a rainy field with a wet ball and just 6 boundaries in there in 34 overs. Pretty damn impressive if you ask me! 

The total was 284-2 when we quickly changed our batting gear to our fielding outfits, multiple layered outfits cause it was still cold, windy and drizzling. But at the end of our 2nd innings the sun would start shining as we won. But we’ll get to that later.

Haas and me opened the bowling and after my semi lose over I pulled it back together, in the 4th over I got my first wicket of the season yay, midstump OUT of the ground. That’s how we like it - doing a mini dance - 1-21-10. 
Sjoukje bowled amazingly with 2-32 and Kiki with 1-19 and Fleurtje with her tricky bowling got 2-12, Anne with 1-18 and Lot bowled her first over. Lot is our newest talent who we’ve met the 2nd of May on Ladies Day. She has a good feel for bowling and batting, her first game she got to bowl and did well! Yay, happy to have you :).

Ok we can say a lot about her navigation skills, but when it comes to wicketkeeping she knows what she’s doing with 2 caught behinds and a stumping. Sharp as a knife our Sassy. Talking about solid hands; Maartje had an amazing catch in the covers and Sal had a great great catch on Anne’s bowling. 
 A bit unfortunate for the Quick1888 ladies, Sasa was batting very well but got run out by a miscommunication with a new girl. So that’s all the wickets.

After 39 overs which started rainy but turned into a sunny evening the Quick1888 ladies got to total of 169-8. We had a drink to celebrate our victory and then realised it was a quarter past eight. Time to go home and get food!
 Leaving the house at 09.00 and getting home at 22.30 it was quite a long day, but it was soo much fun. Great cricket, good laughs, lots of wickets and runs! 

Saturday the 23rd we go in our cricketwhites to Cafe The Florin, where we will be guests at the VARA Spijkers met Koppen live radioshow hosted by Dolf Jansen. We will be on between 12.30 and 13.15 and then race to our 14.30 T20 at Hermes DVS. 

And we just ordered the 2nd edition of our calendars which will be ready this thursday, exciting and great things all around.
 See you next week :)

Nathalie Hennis

Groeten uit Jersey

Roland Lefebrve (KNCB) was zo attent ons een berichtje door te sturen dat hij ontving van Jersey-coach MacRae na de twee T20's die Jersey vorige week speelde op VRA.

Subject: Netherlands-Jersey Fixtures

Hi Roland,
Thanks again for letting us come to Amsterdam over the weekend. It was a great trip. We played some competitive matches and it was a good learning experience for our players. In particular playing against your senior National Team players and a strong Seafarers side highlighted some areas for us to work on.

The wicket and ground at VRA were in good condition for April and the grass nets were also excellent when we used them on Friday. Please thank the VRA club for their cricket facilities, hospitality and excellent catering. Hopefully we can repeat the trip in future seasons and continue to develop the cricket relationship between our countries.

Neil MacRae

Boekpresentatie Harry Oltheten

Binnenkort verschijnt bij uitgeverij Dulce et Decorum het nieuwe boek van ons gewaardeerde lid Harry Oltheten, genaamd 'Houd je adem in… en andere verhalen'.

Harry Oltheten (1946) debuteerde in 1997 met Georganiseerd luieren en andere cricketverhalen. Hij vertaalde de dagboeken van W.N.P. Barbellion, William Soutar en Keith Vaughan en de laatste jaren vooral werk van belangrijke auteurs over de Eerste Wereldoorlog als William March, Thomas Boyd, E.E. Cummings en Fritz von Unruh. In 2007 verscheen zijn fictiedebuut De Krays en andere verhalen dat werd gevolgd door de romans Wit licht (2008), Dauw (2009) en Mul ijs (2010). Wit licht werd genomineerd voor de Academica Debutanten prijs en Mul IJs voor de Halewijnprijs. In 2013 verscheen Schier en andere verhalen.

Behalve andere genodigden zijn ook VRA-leden en liefhebbers van goedgeschreven verhalen door Harry van harte uitgenodigd bij de feestelijke presentatie ervan aanwezig te zijn:

Locatie: clubhuis VRA
Datum: vrijdag 19 juni
Aanvang: 17.30

De flaptekst van Houd je adem in…en andere verhalen verraadt het volgende:

Een late debutant die koortsachtig en licht wanhopig wacht op recensies die maar niet komen willen, een jonge gymnasiast die geobsedeerd wordt door het lot van een man in een Amerikaanse dodencel, een vriendschap die, ofschoon bedoeld voor het leven, abrupt eindigt in narigheid.

Zomaar wat onderwerpen in deze nieuwe verhalen van Harry Oltheten die eerder van zijn fascinatie voor de korte baan blijk gaf in 'De Krays en andere verhalen' en 'Schier en andere verhalen'. Olthetens helden roken veel en hebben een glas snel bij de hand. Ze incasseren de opdoffers die het leven voor hen in petto heeft met opgeheven hoofd en vervolgen manmoedig hun pad daarbij geholpen door flinke doses relativeringsvermogen en humor. En niet zelden gloort er op een onverwacht moment licht aan de horizon dat hun leven weer van een broodnodige glans voorziet.

Tips voor gebruik website

Tip 1. Waar vind ik het wedstrijdprogramma?
Het wedstrijdprogramma voor VRA teams is altijd te vinden op de homepage:
Het staat in de rechterkolom onder de inhoudsopgave van de laatste How's That! Er zijn aparte tabs voor Senioren en Jeugd.
Let op: hier worden alleen de wedstrijden van VRA teams getoond.
Als je onder het wedstrijdprogramma klikt op "Bekijk de volledige agenda" worden alle wedstrijden, events, toernooien en dergelijke getoond die op VRA zijn gepland. Je kan de Agenda ook oproepen door in het hoofdmenu (bovenaan elke pagina) op "Agenda" te klikken.

Tip 2. VRA Live
Al meer dan 15 jaar biedt de VRA website de mogelijkheid om een live videobeeld van het hoofdveld te bekijken en de actuele stand van de wedstrijd. Veel mensen zijn dit inmiddels vergeten of weten het gewoon niet, terwijl zij wel geinteresseerd zijn in de stand van de wedstrijd op het hoofdveld. De link naar VRA Live staat altijd op de homepage, helemaal rechts onderaan. Als je klikt op "Bekijk nu VRA Live" krijg je een actueel videobeeld van het hoofdveld dat elke 5 seconden wordt ververst. Tijdens wedstrijden wordt elke minuut een keer het scorebord getoond (gedurende 5 seconden). Zo kan je zien of er gespeeld wordt en op de hoogte blijven van de stand van de wedstrijd.

VRA-jeugd geselecteerd voor Dutch Lions

Van de KNCB ontvingen wij het prachtige bericht dat 3 VRA-jeugdleden zijn uitgenodigd voor de selecties van de Dutch Lions, de nationale jeugdteams in verschillende leeftijdscategorieën.

Voor de Dutch Lions Under 12 werd uitgenodigd: Vikramjit Singh
Voor de Dutch Lions Under 13 werd uitgenodigd: Lancelot Bloemen
Voor de Dutch Lions Under 15 werd uitgenodigd: Salmaan Mirza

Het programma voor de verschillende elftallen is:

U12: Bradwell on Sea en Festival op Royal Hospital School in Holbrook (27 Juli – 6 Augustus)
U13: Voorbereiding in Kent en Festival op Bromsgrove School (27 Juli – 5 Augustus)
U15: Serie tegen Denemarken, Festival Bromsgrove School en EK U15 in Rugby (21 - 23 Juli op Salland | 27 Juli – 9 Augustus)

Vikram, Lancelot en Salmaan, van harte gefeliciteerd en succes met de voorbereidingen! We zijn trots op jullie.

Munaf's Tips for Youngsters


To bowl accurately, the bowler must concentrate as much as the batsman at the wicket.
Try to command accuracy in length and direction.

Bowling action

The Basic Action: -Right foot must land parallel to crease. -Front arm as high as possible, looking down the pitch from behind it.

The fundamentals of good bowling actions: 1. Correct grip 2. Smooth and economical run-up 3. Easy, rhythmical and well balanced delivery making full use of height and body 4. Deliberate and fluent follow-through.

The Grip: out and in swinger

Hold the ball between the first and second finger with the seam vertical and thumb underneath.

Mohammad Munaf
Specialist Youth Trainer

Match report VRA U16 vs ACC, 17/05

Sunday the 17th of May hailed one the most anticipated matches of the season, the Amsterdam derby; VRA would face bitter rivals ACC. Some of the VRA veterans were extra keen to defeat ACC, as the ACC captain, Ashir Khan, used to play for VRA. The VRA players were therefore keen to give him a welcome back that he would not soon forget.

VRA won the toss and elected to bat first, but it was ACC who nearly got the perfect start, Alec Pulver edging one straight to the keeper, who spilled it. Was dame fortune smiling upon VRA? Sadly not, the very next over Alec hit one straight to the fielder, so in came the captain, Milo Fordham, with the intention of staying in as long as possible and rebuilding the innings. Only a few balls later the other opener, Jagjot Singh also left the crease, after edging it to the wicket keeper, it seemed ACC were in control, with VRA at 4-2.

It was at this point though, that the captain was joined by Vikramjit Singh, and together they reconstructed the innings, almost in the way the late, great B.B. King used to construct his solos, starting off slowly and carefully, and slowly building up to a steady flow of notes. It was in this manner that they amassed a 60 run partnership, after which Vikram sadly left the crease upon skying one. So in came Baljot Singh, a promising young player who played both flamboyantly and responsibly. It was in the 18th over, having been at the crease for 16 overs, the captain was felled for 18, although not the highest score, it was a considered an important innings, as it helped rebuild the innings.

Now, in came Tariq Khalil, batting in his first match, it was in the partnership between these two batsmen that the runs came like a soul horn section, thick and fast. When Baljot Singh was eventually dismissed in the 29th for 35 VRA had amassed a rather large total, with Zamaan Khan coming on in the last over to finish them off. VRA’s final score was 177/5.

When VRA came in to bowl, they came in with a fresh spring in their step, coming in off a very defendable total. VRA soon struck, with Ashir Abid taking two wickets in the second over, with a pair of deliveries with more swing than a Wilson Pickett album. Now in came the captain, Ashir Khan, who saw the fall of another teammate, before he edged to the wicketkeeper, their key batsman was gone and, more importantly, he was the player who left VRA to ACC in the first place.

Wickets soon fell quickly, and it seemed to be in the bag, but it was at this point the lower middle order came in, and recovered the innings slightly, fighting bravely, but it was too little too late, the ACC batsmen were eventually toppled over for 136, falling 44 short of their target. The man of the match award went to Baljot Singh, who got 35 runs, and the magnificent bowling figures of 3 wickets for just 8 runs from his 4 overs. So that was it, VRA had won the derby, and by doing so had also defeated the player who left VRA for ACC.

Milo Fordham

Match result VRA U9 vs ACC, 17/05

Van de U9 ontvingen we 2 prachtige foto's en een foto van de scoresheets indachtig het motto 'een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden'.
Het verslag zelf haalde de deadline van deze editie niet, maar de score sheets gaven aan dat het een heuse thriller betrof.

Bij beide teams strandden op 86 runs, maar omdat het team van VRA minder vaak was uitgegaan (waarvoor punten worden afgetrokken) was de eindscore 72 voor VRA en 54 voor ACC. VRA won deze jeugdige titanenstrijd. Mooi hoor!

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